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Whatever we are experiencing at any given time, it impacts every aspect of our being. If we've just received a promotion with a hefty pay increase, for example, our hearts are joyful and excited, and everywhere we go and everything we do is just easier and more pleasant. If we just experienced the loss of someone dear to us, however, the whole world seems gray and even the most minor chores can feel insurmountable. It's all we can do to simply keep breathing....and even our breathing is heavy. This is because whatever we experience physically affects us emotionally and spiritually, and vice versa. With holistic counseling, we can affect change in all areas simultaneously, with whatever aspect we choose to start. For example, when we experience trauma it can be so threatening to our psyche that we cannot even talk about it. It does not feel safe to talk with anyone, and things that we once took for granted and managed with ease can seem overwhelming. At times like that, it may be more helpful to approach the situation from a physical perspective or a spiritual perspective....
