About Us


HeartLight Counseling and Hypnotherapy

was founded by Donna Page. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Certified Hypnotherapist who has practiced psychotherapy for over 25 years. She began using hypnot​herapy specifically for clients with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and quickly recognized that those clients who used hypnosis progressed far more quickly in their treatment. Clients began requesting it for medical issues, including such challenging illnesses as cancer, with remarkable results. People who had been told they had only months to live were able to rid themselves completely of all cancerous cells that had threatened their lives.

Donna believes that all healing is self-healing and views herself as merely the facilitator in the process. ​She believes it is everyone's Divine right to heal their lives of whatever is hurting them, be it physical, spiritual or emotional. All of these are connected, so by intervening to heal one aspect, we are able to heal all aspects.


What is Hypnotherapy?

Have you ever gotten so absorbed in a book that you b​ecame oblivious to everything around you? Or driven for miles and realized you'd driven much farther than you thought you had? If so, then you know what it's like to experience hypnosis. The state of mind you were in while doing those things is very similar to being hypnotized. The difference is that with hypnosis, or hypnotherapy, your mind becomes very focused on the issues for which you are using it. That could be for something simple, like preparing for a test or public speaking, or for something more significant such as smoking cessation or weight management. It has even been highly effective for overcoming life-threatening illnesses like cancer. Most of us use less than ten percent of our brain, while the other 90% remains dormant. Through hypnosis, or hypnotherapy, we can utilize more of our brain power by simply focusing the mind. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. The hypnotherapist is simply the facilitator to assist you in focusing your mind.


Understanding the Human Brain

The human brain is like an iceberg, with ten percent being conscious and the other 90% being unconscious. Most of us use less than ten percent of our brain, while the other 90% lies dormant. We use reason, analytics and logic from the conscious (ten percent) part of the brain to perform everyday functions.

The remaining 90% of the brain, the subconscious and unconscious, stores information, houses our innate creativity, manages emotion and contains our spiritual essence. We're all familiar with the expression "mind over matter," and scientists have discovered that what we think really does matter. Imagine how your life would be different if you were able to access that part of the brain at will. The possibilities are endless!

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