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5 Things You Should Know About Stress

It’s normal to feel stressed every once in a while, and everyone feels stress at one point or another, but have you ever wondered what happens when you’re feeling stressed or how it might affect your body? Stress comes in many forms, and believe it or not, not all stress is bad. In today’s post, we will discuss five things you should know about stress to give you a better understanding of your body and your mind

If you are someone who is constantly dealing with stress or looking for other methods to cope with your stress, our team at HeartLight Counseling & Hypnotherapy is here to help. We offer counseling services and hypnosis treatments to residents throughout Tarpon Springs, and we are more than happy to help you. Explore our website to learn more, and give us a call to request an appointment today! In the meantime, continue reading below to learn more about stress.

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Long-Term Stress Can Harm Your Health

As mentioned above, everyone feels some sort of stress every once in a while, and a little stress isn’t bad. However, if you are someone who is constantly experiencing feelings of stress, it could be harmful to your health in the long run. Later in this post, we will discuss the three different types of stress, also known as the three different levels of stress. Long-term stress, or chronic stress, can eventually affect your immune, digestive, and cardiovascular systems among others due to the fact that your body never receives the signal to return to normal functioning.

Not All Stress Is Bad

In most cases, stress is referred to as having a negative connotation, but the truth of the matter is that not all stress is bad. When you’re in a potentially dangerous situation, you may feel your “flight or fight” response kick in; your pulse may quicken and you may feel your muscles tense. This response is triggered by the stress hormones in your body telling your brain to go into survival mode. Another example could be if you’re preparing for a test or an interview for a job. You may feel pressured and stressed right before these events, but that stress can help motivate you to study harder or better prepare for your interview.

There Are Different Types of Stress

Earlier in this post, we mentioned briefly that there are different types of stress. These types are acute stress, episodic acute stress, and chronic stress. Chronic stress, as you already know, is the type of stress where you experience long periods of stress, which may contribute to anxiety, cardiovascular disease, and more. Acute stress, on the other hand, is the body’s immediate reaction to new and challenging situations. For example, you may experience acute stress briefly if you’ve been given a large assignment at work. Finally, episodic acute stress is when you frequently experience acute stress. An individual may experience this type of stress if they are often anxious.

Stress Has Many Symptoms

Those who deal with stress every once in a while may be familiar with the symptoms of stress such as feeling irritable, overwhelmed, or even fearful. However, it’s important to note that an individual can feel a variety of symptoms related to stress, especially if you’re dealing with chronic stress. Some of the most common symptoms include insomnia, lower sex drive, fatigue, eating too much or too little, or difficulty concentrating. If you’re experiencing these symptoms regularly, it may be a good idea to see help from a professional.

You Can Manage Your Stress

Unfortunately, there isn’t a magic pill you can take to help you feel less stressed. However, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything you can do to feel better. Stress is extremely manageable both on your own and with the help of a professional. One of the most important things you can do to manage your stress is to know the signs that you’re starting to feel stressed out so that you can take the necessary precautions to stop it. Other things you can do include regular exercise, setting goals and priorities, staying connected with friends, and participating in relaxing activities.

Interested In Learning More?

Stress doesn’t have to consume your life, and if you’re interested in learning more about how you can manage your stress, our team at HeartLight Counseling & Hypnotherapy is here to help! We offer hypnosis treatment and counseling services to help people like you throughout the Tarpon Springs area. Explore our website to learn more and give us a call today to request an appointment.

We look forward to working with you!